Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today is

Women's Equality Day. In an effort to celebrate our "equal-ness" I challenge you to create an "Equal to the Task" layout. If I were the one scrapping this challenge, I might have Ray photograph me riding our mini-mower (huge for domestic duties but micro for industrial ones like we use it for at the farm) and talk about overcoming my fear of machinery and how easy it is for me to do a job normally assigned to the guys at the farm. Ray actually said he wanted to get a sticker that reads "Vanessa's Ride" for the sides of the mower! LOL Fortunately for me, I'm part of a family that wholeheartedly embraces a woman's ability and right to do anything a fella can. I consider myself rather fortunate in that regard. I know several women who are told outright "it's a guy's job" or "honey, it's better if I do it". Not me man, Ray is more the "Well, go ahead then..." type. Let's see what you do with this one. Have fun and happy scrappin.

"Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels."

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