Thursday, January 17, 2008

Challenge 55

I think this has definitely been the fastest week in the year (not that there's been all that many just yet) but it seems that time is literally smokin' by and I'm having a bit of a time keeping up! Luckily, I'm usually a fairly organized gal and rockin' out with our weekly sketches has been going fairly smoothly so as usual, here are the sketches & pages for this week. I love how this ultra-simple sketch has been translated into so many gorgeous pages! Get a load of what the girls did this week!

Now, remember, you can be the proud owner of this month's kit if you wish to participate in the photo pool found at our Flickr group. You have to join the group, upload a photo to your own album and post it to the group (do that last bit from the "organize" section of Flickr) and from there, the DT & I will vote on our fave and the lucky artist will be sent this month's kit. There's already a few gals in the running-GOOD LUCK!!


Anonymous said...

another great challenge!!! everyone's layouts turned out fab!!! i cannot believe how fast this month has gone...not just the week!!!

have a fabulous day!!

Gillian Ottaway said...

This sketch totally moved me! Thanks for the inspiration :) Here's my take:

I also posted it into the group :)

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