Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Meet Jenny!

Boy, that was one crazy-busy month! Shelley made some incredible contributions to our design team and we're totally gonna miss her. If you remember, when we introduced her here she shared some of her favorite layouts with us. You have until THURSDAY to link up to your scraplifts to win a prize pack of some of Shelley's favorite scrap products. Don't delay!!

This month our Guest Designer is Jenny Chesnick. I found her on SisTV where I instantly fell in love with her style and absolutely could NOT resist asking her to join us this month. Read below to find out more about Jenny and what makes her tick! Remember, she is sharing three of her favorite layouts with us and you have the entire duration of this month to create a scraplift off her work and link up to your scraplift in the comments section of this post to get a chance at winning a prize pack of some of Jenny's favorite products.

Check out what Jenny has to say about scrapbooking and what it's all about for her...

Q:Tell us a bit about you and your family.
A: Well, I’m a 30 something California girl who has been transplanted to the great state of Maryland. I met my Husband of 1 year Bill here. He has a 17 year old daughter Tori and we have two mutts Berkley and Libby. Fondly nicknamed the idiot twins.

Q: How long have you been scrapbooking and where did you get your start in this craft?
A: I’ve been scrapping for about two years. My Mother really got me into it. She lives in the northwest where stores are abundant! I found some groups online and a store and that was it for me. My first scrapbook , in my adult life, if of meeting my biological father. I still look at that book!

Q: What inspires your creativity when you are scrapbooking?
A: Really my friends. I like a lot of humor in my LO’s. I always seem to be sparked by something that is said and spin that into a title or theme for one of my pages. When I am lacking in the inspo department I head straight for some challenge blogs!

Q: Describe your creative style
A: I don’t think I have a tell tell style. My friends I am sure would disagree. I like clean and cluttered. If that makes any sense! I do like a lot of bits, they have to placed just so. Too much and you lose the photo. I really like to use color and patterned paper. You will almost always find something in three’s on my LO’s.

Q: What are your three favorite products/techniques right now?
A: Sassafrass Lass, I can’t get enough of their new lines. I’ve been really making a lot of my own embies, flowers, yo-yo’s etc. I am bored with the products out there. I’m also addicted to cutting out shapes from patterned paper.

Q: What project(s) are you currently working on?
A: Nothing really. My friends and I are working on a stash diet. I’m just trying my best to stick to it!

Q: Describe your perfect day
A: Going site seeing with my Husband, some good food, my camera and a metro card.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny, your work in fantastic :)

NurseDeah said...

aw my bff!! :) congrats girl! and yes, i would disagree, i think you have a very distinct style, but, i dont guess i can put it into words either!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chez! It's Shanks! You are one of my favs... your work has changed my style forever. Thanks for the inspo biz! I am workin on these lifts. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chez- It is Shanks again. I lifted your Layout.... here is the link:


Calia Yang said...

Hey Jenny - i lifted one of your layouts. I had loads of fun! the link is:


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