I finally decided to take the plunge and open my Etsy shop. It is currently only offering the Feb & March Couture Collections but is going to be a great place for you to get your hands on odds & sods of leftover products & complete kits from past months. I will also be listing a SCHWACK of other goodies as they are made so be sure to check back often. Oh, and take notice of my newest goodie on my sidebar -----> I've made the pledge to buy handmade and I'm asking that others do the same...not just for the holidays but for ANY gifting opportunity- especially those totally random 'today' presents (which, let's face it are pretty much the best ones...except maybe for birthday week. Which brings me to the end of the month. We'll be voting on a favorite page submitted to the flickr group so if you want a shot at winning the Couture Collection, you'll wanna get those pages uploaded by the end of tomorrow! Please remember to indicate which week's challenge your page is made for (sometimes it's tricky to tell). I am super excited to see what everyone makes.
Oh, and since tomorrow is the last day of February, Leap Year Day as a matter of fact, that means the newest Couture Collection goes LIVE! It also means that the official birthday countdown is ON! I love my birthday and celebrate it for an entire week. This year, as per the usual, I am putting together a 'gift a day' package for my pal, Karen McKinnon and she's putting one together for me. I can't wait! But also, in the spirit of Birthday Week, I'll be doing daily giveaways for those willing to participate in the cut-throat sport of gettin' free stuff! LOL
And I'm pleased to tell you that I decided to keep my hair long but it's a studio day and since I spend the day in my jammies, I'm not taking a picture today. Maybe tomorrow!
1 comment:
hey chica!! LOVE homemade...but you already know that, ;)!! i LOVE today gifts too...can't wait to see what you fill up your etsy shop with!!!
have a fabulous friday!!
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