Monday, March 3, 2008

Uh Oh...It's my turn

Oh man. I thought I was going to get off lucky this time. Guess not. Ray just recovered from a very tenacious cold and it decided to take up residence in my head. My head feels like it's full of fluff and I can barely keep my eyes open. Even my spelling is atrocious (I'm blaming it on poor coordination rather than a temporary loss of spelling talent!LOL) so I'm very grateful for spellcheck right now. I hope this passes quickly. My fingers are crossed that my crazy cocktail of oil of oregano supplements, herbal throat syrup, home made neocitran with lemon juice, honey, ginger and hot water and maybe some Chinese cold pills will sort me out.

I spent the entire day in the studio working on new inventory for the Etsy shop and hopefully it'll be up by early next week. I'll post a few pics here so you can see what's new in the shop. There's some dynamite thank you, birthday & baby announcement cards coming up. I almost want to keep them for myself.

Tomorrow, I'll be posting about March's Book of the Month - and no, it's NOT "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. I want to read this book but my plate is WAY too full right now to start yet another project. Are any of you reading it? Give me your thoughts on that one. Anyway, I'm going to numb my brain for a little while then get to bed early. Enjoy the rest of your day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

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