Friday, January 1, 2010

Challenge 157

Wow. Two thousand and ten. Is it just me or does time past a wee bit faster as we get older?? I can't wrap my head around starting yet another decade. I guess it does bring with it lots of possibilities and opportunity but it does get ya thinking about how you used the last one, doesn't it??

One of my fave things about this time of year (and the art of scrapbooking, actually) is that it forces you to just pause. Not to stop, but pause and observe your surroundings and reflect. Absorb the details. Let it all sink in. Not a bad way to operate, really. A little accountability for one's use of time. Now, myself I'm not one for wasting time so why don't we get down to business...the real reason you're reading today's post. You want to know what the challenge is, right??? Well, before I tell you that, first let me remind you that we introduced January's Guest Designer, Stacy Stone yesterday. Go HERE to read about her and to take a stab at lifting one of her layouts. Post the links to your lifts in the comments section of that post.

Also, if you want to get in on the challenges, read THIS and get the scoop!

Okay, enough of that. Here's the deal...this week's challenge is to



Wireless ISP software said...

I wish I have time to scarp book all the wonderful memories with my family, these are just beautiful scrap book.

Accounting Software said...

Scarp booking the events for the last year 2009. That’s a great idea. Love the very creative art.

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