Have you ever embarked on a cleaning mission only to find yourself sitting on the floor surrounded by old memories or unearthing long-forgotten art supplies that are immediately given favor over the intended cleaning project? Well today I was organizing a closet full of kitchen gadgets & appliances when I discovered a pasta maker. How excited was I? So excited that I channeled my excited energy into finishing my cleaning job and making pasta from scratch- just in time for dinner...check out how it went...

I started getting kinda warm doing all that manual labour in the sun like that so maybe next time I'll let my breadmaker's pasta setting do all the hard work...

I might even be adventurous and try cracked pepper in the dough or maybe spinach or oregano...

Rolling it out through the pasta maker is definitely the best part...it's super fun! It's like the ultimate play-doh experience! LOL

This stuff was quite possibly the yummiest pasta I've ever eaten...I'm a firm believer in making something if I can rather than buying it. That definitely applies to this particular food item.
mmm...looks really good!!!
One day I want to make pasta from scratch too. :) yours looks delicious!
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